Who We Are

The New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association (NJEPA) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, whose sole purpose and responsibility is to provide affordable emergency preparedness training to local, regional and State emergency managers and first responders by conducting an annual conference.  The NJEPA provides training, collaboration and promotes the development of public & private partnerships in planning, response, recovery and mitigation in all types of emergencies through an annual conference.

The NJEPA  presents an annual conference to provide education and training for New Jersey's emergency managers, first responders and government and elected officials with an interest in preparing their communities for any disaster or emergency that may strike. The annual conference serves as a forum for public and private sector emergency managers to meet and discuss emergency planning issues affecting them and their regions. The conference also provides an opportunity for attendees to learn the latest trends in planning and technology in emergency preparedness and homeland security.

The conference brings together experts in a wide variety of disciplines that are applicable to the emergency management field in order to deliver certified training courses and informative breakout sessions. The objective is to prepare the attendees to deal with the disasters that may occur in their community. 

Where We Started

The first program was run in 1999 as the Hurricane Preparedness Seminar. It was a single day event to promote local issues to coastal area emergency managers. It then expanded over time to the New Jersey Hurricane Conference over two days. The events of 9-11 changed the focus of emergency preparedness and the conference was renamed the New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference. This enabled the NJEPA to present topics of a broader range to the first responder community as well as private partners in emergency preparedness. The first program hosted approximately two hundred people. Last year’s conference was attended by close to 1,300 people and was conducted over a five-day period. CEU’s are offered for many of the courses and breakout sessions which is very important to the first responder community.